We all have a reason to fight for healthy lungs and healthy air.

Every day, we hear stories of why our community fights for a world free of lung disease. We want to hear yours. Tell us: who or what has inspired you?

We'll collect and share stories from our community to remind us of why we continue to fight for a world free of lung disease. Thank you in advance for sharing!

Step 1: Tell Us About Yourself

Share your story in two easy steps! First, please provide your name, email address and zip code by using one of your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or you can complete a simple online form. Once you're logged in, Step 2 will be to share your story and an optional picture.

Shantel VanSanten and her grandmother, who passed from lung cancer. Shantel honors her grandmother's memory by fighting for a world free of lung disease.
Upload a photo of your experiences (.jpg, .png, .pdf file types under 8 MB)
Tell us about how lung disease, air quality or climate change have impacted your life. If your story is about lung disease, please make sure to let us know which lung disease

Page last updated: May 2, 2024

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