Shared Air Quality Stories
Alan K.
Adasha K. I am a 52-year-old mother of three, grandma of two. I live in a county where the EPA does not have air quality stations present.
Adam Z.
Abigail S.
Abby R.
Shireen C.
Ruth B.
Ruth B.
Janet K. For the past seven months the Army Corps of Engineers, as part of a groin/jetty project in the Rockaways, has put a staging site within 50 feet of my condominium on Beach 116th Street beach area which has 93 apartments.
Gary A. One of my big disappointments is the EPA's reduction in the number of air quality monitors. I live about 50 miles from Bakersfield in the Kern River Valley.
Diane M.
Diana R.
Dan P.
Bailey B. Summertime should be a great time to be outdoors in Montana, with warm weather and sunshine in a state full of natural splendors. But wildfire smoke often forces people to stay indoors.
Ashlyn V.