Smart Surfaces and Lung Health
See how light-colored, reflective and green surfaces can combat extreme heat and create cooler, more livable communities.Communities across the U.S. regularly experience extreme heat, floods and other disasters each year due to climate change. The American Lung Association is working on practical solutions like Smart Surfaces to address the impacts of climate change and improve the health of people across America.
The Problem: Extreme Heat in Cities
Two-thirds of the average U.S. city is made up of roads, parking spaces, sidewalks and roofs. Because these surfaces are typically dark and non-porous, they contribute to urban heat, flooding, increased air pollution and poor health.
Cities Become Heat Islands
Structures such as buildings, roads, and parking lots absorb the sun’s heat. Urban areas become "islands" of higher temperatures because they tend to have higher concentrations of these heat-absorbing structures and fewer trees and bodies of water. These "heat islands" experience higher temperatures than outlying areas. Daytime temperatures in urban areas are about 1-7°F higher than temperatures in outlying areas and nighttime temperatures are about 2-5°F higher.
Causes of urban heat islands include dark non-porous (impermeable) surfaces (roads, parking lots, and roofs), reduced natural landscapes like trees and grass, heat generated from human activity, weather, and geography.
Excessive Heat Impacts Health
Climate change has led to increased temperature, more regular occurrence of extreme weather like severe storms and flooding, and higher dew points (the temperature at which water vaporizes). This contributes to increased air pollution and negative health outcomes including respiratory illness, allergies, heat-related illness, infectious disease, and more.
Urban Heat Is a Health Equity Issue
Black, Indigenous, and people of color are more likely to be living in areas most impacted by urban heat and poor air quality. This is due to a history of discriminatory practices that consists of systematic denial of services such as mortgages, insurance loans, and other financial services to residents of certain areas based on their race or ethnicity and other means of limited political power within these communities. This history of disinvestment and redlining is linked to increased vulnerability of communities of color and those living under the federal poverty line to urban heat and ground-level ozone.
Several factors make urban heat a health equity issue:
The Solution: Smart Surfaces to Reduce Heat in Cities
Smart Surfaces encompass a suite of cutting-edge technologies, including reflective (cool) roofs and pavements, green roofs, trees, solar photovoltaics (PV) and rain gardens. Designed to mitigate urban heat, enhance air quality and improve health, the addition of these transformative urban features can make cities more resilient and vibrant. Smart Surfaces can cool cities by 5°F, deliver large reductions in flooding and provide economic benefits to cities.
There Are Many Types of Smart Surfaces
Below explains different kinds of Smart Surfaces and the benefits they provide over conventional surfaces.
Greenspaces Can Improve Health
Ozone levels are highest in cities in part because of the increased temperatures from heat absorbed by roads and roofs. Incorporating trees, green roofs and parks in urban settings can reduce temperatures and improve health.
Here are just a few benefits of greenspaces:
Combining Smart Surfaces Increases Impact
For example, a green roof + solar panels can generate clean energy, reduce building energy use, manage storm water runoff, and filter air pollutants.
When smart surfaces are combined:
- Overall temperature feels ~15-20⁰F cooler.
- Ambient air temperature is ~5-10⁰F cooler
- Reduced heat radiance from more reflective surfaces—feels ~5⁰F cooler. Less of sun’s energy is absorbed and radiated as heat.
- Shade feels ~10⁰F cooler.
- Cool roof reflects sunlight, reducing building energy use and reducing radiation of sunlight as heat into city air.
- Solar PV reduces reliance on polluting power plants and shades buildings. Less smog and better air quality—feels ~1-3⁰F cooler.
Policymakers and individuals can make our communities more livable, reduce heat and air pollution, and improve our lung health with smart surface choices.
How to talk to your elected and appointed officials about Smart Surfaces to reduce excessive heat.