David K

David K.

My name is David Kaufman, and this is why I make Every Step Count

I will be running in memory of my father-in-law, Bernie Naiman, who sadly died in July from chronic respiratory failure and interstitial lung disease.

He was a special, self-made man who had drive, charisma and a love of life. As his body failed him and the inevitable approached, he never lost focus of those around him. His mind was steadfast and clear to the end. Remarkably, in his final weeks, he took time to write and call those people in his life that had impacted and touched him to thank them and say goodbye. An amazingly meaningful gesture and an action I will not forget. Despite his deteriorating physical condition, every day he counted his blessings and fought on.

But those who struggle to breath, don't always have that ability.

Last year, due to your generosity, I was the number ONE fundraiser in Denver, and one of the top fundraisers nationally! I support the American Lung Association in the fight for healthy lungs and healthy air and I hope you will as well. Because no one should struggle to breathe.

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Bedford, OH
Bedford, OH | Feb 25, 2025
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Geneva, OH
Geneva, OH | Apr 03, 2025