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Sara C., IL

The Lung Association has been a great help to me, and I’m spreading the word.

I’ve had the opportunity to connect with others who have pulmonary issues through Zoom, learning from their resilience.

I’ve made small but important changes, like getting new anti-mite bed covers after realizing the old ones needed replacing.

Details matter, and they’ve made a difference for me: I clean my house more often and use additional air purifiers. I also make sure to wipe the mouthpiece of my inhaler after each use and put on my CPAP headgear while lying on my pillow.

I have asthma-COPD, and I’ve experienced three pneumothorax (lung collapse) episodes, chest tubes, a wedge resection (where part of my lung lobe was removed), and pleurodesis (where the remaining lung tissue was sewn to my chest). My goal is to stay as healthy as possible, feel good, and breathe well.

I’m sharing your hotline and information with others who might benefit.

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Vancouver, WA
Vancouver, WA | Jan 01, 2025
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Gladwin, MI
Gladwin, MI | Feb 03, 2025