There are effective treatments that can reduce the duration of the suffering caused by the flu and improve symptoms. See a healthcare provider as soon as flu symptoms appear to find out if these treatments are right for you.

How Is Influenza Diagnosed?

It is hard to know for sure you have the flu on based on symptoms alone. A doctor's exam may be needed to tell whether you have developed the flu or a complication of the flu. If you develop flu-like symptoms and are concerned about your illness because you are at high risk for complications or any other reason, you should talk to your healthcare provider. There are tests that can determine if you have the flu as long you are tested within the first two or three days of illness and many providers use antiviral medications when they are confident of the diagnosis.

How Is Influenza Treated?

Treating the flu includes staying home, getting adequate rest and staying hydrated. Your doctor may prescribe antiviral medication to treat the virus, and over-the-counter medication can be used to minimize discomfort associated with flu symptoms (for example, decongestant and antihistamine for congestion, cough and nasal discharge). Antibiotics are not useful in treating the flu but may be prescribed if necessary to clear up a related sinus or ear infection.

Antivirals Treat Respiratory Viruses

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Antiviral treatment can boost your immune system if taken promptly at the onset of symptoms of some infectious respiratory diseases. Learn more about when to contact your healthcare provider how this treatment can help you feel better faster.

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Antiviral Medication

There are four FDA-approved antiviral drugs:

  • Oseltamivir (trade name Tamiflu®), which comes in pill form
  • Peramivir (trade name Rapivab®), which is administered intravenously
  • Zanamivir (trade name Relenza®), which is inhaled as a powder
  • Baloxavir (trade name Xofluza®), which comes in pill form

These drugs are approved for early treatment of influenza and have been shown to reduce flu symptoms if started within a day or two of getting sick. People with chronic lung disease, including asthma, should not use Relenza or Rapivab, because these drugs sometimes worsen breathing problems. Xofluza is not recommended for individuals who are pregnant, individuals who are lactating, outpatients with complicated or progressive illness, or hospitalized patients.

Antiviral medicine is recommended for people with more severe illness, especially those who might require hospitalization. Talk to your doctor about which of these treatments may be right for you.

Treatment with antiviral medicine is most important for people with suspected or confirmed influenza who are at higher risk for complications, including:

  • Children younger than 2 years old
  • Adults 65 years and older
  • Individuals who are pregnant
  • People with certain chronic medical conditions, such as asthma or COPD, or with suppressed immune systems

Learn more about preventing influenza.

Reviewed and approved by the American Lung Association Scientific and Medical Editorial Review Panel.

Page last updated: November 4, 2024

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