National Advocacy Archive

Find testimony, comments, letters, and legal briefs the American Lung Association has submitted to Congress and federal agencies in support of our public policy agenda.

Feb 23, 2024

Partnership to Protect Coverage Letter to Secretary Becerra and Director Tanden re: Asking the Biden Administration to Finalize Health Care Rules

Feb 22, 2024

NY Partners Letter to Rep. Jeffries re. Menthol Cigarettes/Flavored Cigars

Feb 22, 2024

NY Partners Letter to Sen. Schumer re. Menthol Cigarettes/Flavored Cigars

Feb 21, 2024

Partnership to Protect Coverage Comments to the Department of Labor re: Proposed Rescission of Association Health Plan Final Rule

Feb 15, 2024

Health Group Letter to the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic re Vaccine Safety

Feb 14, 2024

Letter from Health Groups to Smoggy Skies Act of 2024

Feb 12, 2024

Diana Van Vleet Testimony for EPA’s Hearing on MERP

Feb 09, 2024

PPC Comments re TEAMKY 1115 Demonstration Amendment

Feb 08, 2024

Tobacco partners amicus brief in the DC Circuit re supporting FDA authority over premium cigars Cigar Association of America v FDA

Feb 05, 2024

Letter to House Leadership Opposing Cuts to the Prevention and Public Health Fund

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Jun 25, 2024
LUNG FORCE Walk - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 29, 2024