Improving Medication Adherence with Telehealthcare Medication Therapy Management to Change Health Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adults with Asthma (MATCH)

Targeted Disease(s):

Purpose of Study:

The ACRC network is studying whether having regular telehealth appointments with a pharmacist using a study provided tablet or a person’s smart phone or computer will help adolescents and young adults with asthma to gain control of asthma symptoms and improve inhaler effectiveness.

Study Dates:
October 1, 2019 - January 1, 2023

Study Location:

How does the study work?

This is a completely virtual study which means participants can do the entire study from anywhere in the United States. This study will last about 12 months. People who are eligible for the study and agree to join will be randomly assigned to one of two groups:

One group of participants will have eight telehealth calls with a pharmacist and use Propeller Health sensors attached to their inhalers and app on their smart device to help with tracking inhaler use. 

The other group will use the Propeller Health sensors attached to their inhalers and app on their smart device to help with tracking inhaler use.

In addition, all enrolled participants will have one phone call and four telehealth appointments with study staff to complete questionnaires and to test lung function on a handheld device provided for use at home during the study to review how well asthma is controlled.

Who is eligible to enroll in the study?

Adolescents and young adults who are 12 years though 35 years old, have asthma, and have been prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid medication and and are willing to have telehealth appointments may join this study. The Improving Medication Adherence with Telehealthcare Medication Therapy Management to Change Health Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adults with Asthma (MATCH) trial is being conducted at ACRC centers around the country. A list of centers is provided below.

Does it cost anything to enroll?

It is free to enroll in this study. The Propeller Health sensors will be provided to participants free of charge and there is no cost for the app. A tablet will be provided for the telehealth calls. The lung function device will also be provided to participants at no cost.

Study participants will receive payments for their time and expenses. There will be no charge for telehealth appointments.

The study is sponsored by the American Lung Association and funded by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). If you are interested in learning more about joining this important study, please click this link and you will find out how to contact the center closest to you.

Register for Trial
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