These health professionals are stepping up to support urgent action to address air pollution and climate change. To share your own story about why you fight for clean air and climate action, please visit our Share Your Story page. You can learn more about some important ways you can make a difference at our Health Professionals for Clean Air and Climate Action page.

Bruce Krawisz, M.D., Retired Pathologist

Health and Climate Change Researcher, Wisconsin

Climate Change is a Health Emergency

One of the biggest threats to children’s health is destabilization of Earth’s climate. Our changing climate is already harming human health. Without serious action to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, children born today will see agricultural and seafood declines, worsening floods, droughts, and wildfires, sea level rise, and more disease spread by ticks, mosquitoes, and contaminated water. Climate change is a health emergency.

We must act. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions slows global warming and benefits our children and future generations.

Bruce K

Carol Ziegler, DNP, NP-C

Faculty, Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing
Family Nurse Practitioner, Meharry Family Practice

My patients bear a greater burden from the health harms of climate change and air pollution. 

Climate change and air pollution disproportionately impact my patients. As a primary care provider working in low-income neighborhoods, many of my patients have health conditions and live in unsafe housing conditions with no air conditioning. They cannot escape bad air quality or extreme weather by going inside. Primary care providers must be leaders in advocating for carbon mitigation policies and safe housing conditions, as well as community adaptation solutions to climate stress.

Ying Li, MD

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, College of Public Health, East Tennessee State University

Climate change harms health.

As a researcher primarily focused on the public health impacts of air pollution and global climate change, I have conducted a variety of research projects both in developed countries (U.S. and United Arab Emirates) and developing countries (Thailand and China). The results are always the same: climate change harms health. We need strong climate action to protect our communities and minimize the impacts of heat and extreme weather events.

John S. Yordy, M.D., Ph.D., 

Radiation Oncologist
Palmer, Alaska
Alaska Leadership Board member

Preserve and protect our clean air. 

We all depend upon the air we breathe for life.  There is a direct correlation between air quality and overall population health: the cleaner our air, the better our health.  It is not just us who are affected, but future generations as well.  Poor air quality impacts prenatal health and even has the potential to negatively impact the ability to learn, placing an individual at a disadvantage from birth.  Clean air is a right, not a privilege, and we all need to do whatever we can to support clean air for everyone.

Christine A. Hamilton, DHSc, RRT

Chair, Department of Respiratory Care & Health Information
Associate Professor and Director, Cardio-Respiratory Care Sciences Program
Tennessee State University

I strongly urge a united front on climate change.

Climate change poses serious threats to the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Extreme weather conditions have led to more frequent and intense flooding, wildfires, and drought, all of which affect our health. The impacts of climate change on children are especially harmful. We must do all we can to reduce pollution since unhealthy air affects us all. As a respiratory therapist and a college professor, I strongly urge a united effort to address climate change and decrease air pollution.

Randolph J. Lipchik, MD, MPH

Pulmonary Medicine, Center for Advanced Care
Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin

We must not underestimate the need for clean air. 

As a physician, I see how the climate and air quality affects my patients with lung disease, every day. Children and adults living in areas with poor air quality suffer even more with asthma and respiratory tract infections.   We also know that air quality affects lung development in growing children. To protect everyone, including future generations, we must not underestimate the need for clean air. We must strive for policies that limit toxic pollution from industries and vehicles.

Erika Maria Moseson, MD, MA

Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
President, Oregon Thoracic Society

Climate change is (quite literally) sickening 

As a lung and ICU doctor, my patients’ health is threatened by unhealthy air and climate change, and now COVID19. From catastrophic wildfires and longer, more intense pollen seasons, to air pollution worsening the severity of COVID19 infections, a warming climate can sicken and kill - causing asthma attacks, heart attacks, strokes and more. I owe it to my patients and my children to fight for a better future.

Glenn R. Singer, MD, FACP, FCCP, FAASM

Medical Director, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Broward Medical Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Board Member, Past President, American Lung Association Southeast Florida

Right now, the air we breathe is in crisis 

Health care professionals have a responsibility to help diagnose and treat patients, and to help the community at large when there is a crisis. Right now, the air we breathe is in crisis. 

In the current era of deregulation and administrative disregard of scientific data, the medical community must stand up to present rational policy and evidence-based recommendations to make sure the public is safeguarded and the air we breathe is safe.

David Hill, MD

Director, Clinical Research, Waterbury Pulmonary Associates
National Board Member, American Lung Association
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine

Climate change is a public health emergency 

Climate change is a public health emergency, and poses a dire threat to lung health. 

High temperatures alone will worsen morbidity and mortality particularly in children, the elderly, and those with preexisting lung or heart disease.  Increased ground level ozone – or smog – due to higher temperatures, and smoke from more intense and frequent wildfires will worsen asthma and COPD outcomes and put more lives in danger.   We must take action immediately to mitigate these changes and protect the air for everyone who breathes.

Mallory Higginbotham, BA, RRT, RRT-ACCS

Registered Respiratory Therapist
Assistant Professor/Director of Clinical Education
Volunteer State Community College &
Respiratory Care Practitioner
Sumner Regional Medical Center, Tennessee

Let’s all work to promote clean air

It is my role as an educator and respiratory practitioner to teach students and patients about the importance of monitoring the air quality reports. Poor air quality puts everyone at risk, especially patients with lung disease. And climate change will only worsen our air quality and make it even more dangerous to breathe.  I see firsthand the effects air pollution and climate change is already having on patients, including breathlessness, anxiety, and fear. No one should have to struggle to breathe because the air quality where they live is dangerous. Let’s all work to promote clean air for the betterment of all our lives. 

Jessie Weiler, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, OCN

Nurse Practitioner, Hematology & Oncology, Portland, Oregon

We must unite together to protect our patients

As I walk among the towering trees, listening quietly, breathing deep the moist air, I am reminded of the interconnected web of life. The planet’s health reflects our own. With air pollution on the rise due to industry and climate change, we cannot take clean air for granted. Over time, breathing toxic air may elevate the risk of cancer.  Prescribing time in nature cannot lead to healing if it also jeopardizes our health. We, as healthcare providers, can bring a voice to this urgent crisis at the local, regional and national level. Are you ready to unite together to protect our patients?

Bernadette Mae Longo, PhD, R.N., PHNA-BC, FAAN

Chair, Environmental Health Committee
Nevada Nurses Association

We are all in this together.

Human health is linked to the environment. As a nurse epidemiologist, I see the mounting evidence of the association between air pollution, accelerated climate change, and adverse health effects. Today across Nevada, we are breathing high levels of ozone and particulate matter, along with facing the threat of wildfires. Healthcare professionals have an ethical responsibility to advocate and collaborate for a healthy environment. We must direct our efforts to rapidly reduce emissions of heat trapping gases that are driving climate change. Together, our actions can prevent harm to health and lost quality-of-life for all. 

Juanita Mora, MD

Chicago Allergy Center
Volunteer National Spokesperson, American Lung Association

We must support action on climate change to protect Latino community

Latinos across this country, especially children, the elderly, and those with chronic lung diseases like asthma, face numerous health risks associated with air pollution, and climate change is making air quality worse. Given the recent emerging evidence showing that long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with an increased mortality rate from COVID-19, addressing air pollution and climate change is even more important, especially as nearly 17% of reported deaths from COVID-19 in the United States reported thus far have been from the Latino community (CDC). It is critical to fully implement the Clean Air Act, and support action on climate change to make sure that all Americans, including Latino Americans, have healthy air to breathe. It is part of the fight against COVID-19.    

Amanda Millstein, MD, FAAP

Primary Care Pediatrician
UBCP Hilltop Pediatrics Richmond, CA
Climate Health Now

The climate crisis is a health crisis, specifically for our kids

The climate crisis is here and it is harming our health and the health of our children. In order to prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change we must stop burning fossil fuels and transition to clean, renewable energy as quickly as possible. Health professionals, especially pediatricians, must educate families and speak out about this crisis loudly and clearly. There is still time to prevent the most dire effects of climate change, but we must act now.

Ashley E. McClure, MD, FACP

Primary Care Physician, Oakland, CA

Clean air policies are healthy climate policies

As a primary care doctor, I have taken an oath to prevent sickness and to protect human health and safety. As an individual physician, there is only so much medical care I can provide to address the health issues my patients have as a result of breathing unhealthy air in an unstable climate. The only rational treatment is collectively advocating for upstream clean air policies which are also healthy climate policies. History has its eyes on this decade, and the legacy we leave through clean air and climate-stabilizing policies will determine the health of our children and all future generations.

Peggy Pennoyer, M.D., FAAAI

Asthma and Allergy Specialist
Portland, Maine
New England Board Member, American Lung Association

We need policymakers as partners to achieve healthy air. 

It’s hard telling my patients they shouldn’t exercise outside on bad air quality days. Air pollution can trigger scary symptoms for individuals with asthma, and it can prevent them from doing what they love. Seeing a disappointed asthmatic in my office due to poor air quality when he should have been at lacrosse practice is heart-breaking. I work with my asthma patients to help them lead lives that are as active as possible. While physicians can support their asthma patients with good care and medicine, they need state and federal policymakers as partners in making sure the air is healthy. For my patients, healthy air can be the difference between a winning goal and a trip to the emergency room.

Robert J. Blount, M.D., MAS

Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Iowa

Access to clean air is critical.

As a pulmonologist I am motivated by helping to alleviate my patients’ suffering from asthma, COPD, lung cancer, pneumonia, and other lung diseases that can be caused by and exacerbated by dirty air. I realize that much human suffering worldwide could be prevented by decreasing air pollution levels. Just as access to clean water has been one of the greatest public health achievements of all time, access to clean air is also critical when it comes to protecting health worldwide.

Sumita B. Khatri, M.D., M.S.

Pulmonary Physician
Asthma Center, Cleveland Clinic
National Board Member, American Lung Association

Climate change affects everyone.

There are many reasons why I work to fight and increase awareness around climate change. The most important reason is simple: Humanity. Climate change affects everyone, particularly those without wealth or resources to adapt. Extreme weather events such as flooding, drought, and wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense, and public health has suffered as a result. We must take swift action now to reduce the worst health impacts of climate change.

Lucy Kalanithi, M.D., F.A.C.P

Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Stanford School of Medicine

As a physician and mother, the climate crisis is never far from my mind.

As a physician and mother, the climate crisis is never far from my mind. Climate emergency is inseparable from human health and survival. A rapid, just transition to a clean energy economy yields health and societal benefits that vastly outweigh the costs of inaction. We are part of a growing movement that needs everyone. Join us with your action, advocacy, anger and courage.

Aparna Bole, M.D.

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, Cleveland

Support clean air policies for our children’s health.

As a pediatrician, I am dedicated to ensuring a healthy future for all children. Climate change poses serious health threats that disproportionately impact children, from extreme weather events, to increased air pollution, to changing patterns of infectious disease. I invite my fellow health professionals to join me in supporting policies and practices that result in cleaner air, healthier children and vibrant communities.

Therese Smith, RN, BSN, MS, MPA, CCM

Care Manager
Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan

Clean air is essential to all of us.

I fight for clean air and climate action because I lost my mom to lung cancer in 1986. Ever since then I have been fighting, and with even more conviction since losing my in-laws—sister, mother, and father-in-law—to lung cancer and other lung diseases. My daughter and I both have asthma; I was diagnosed as an adult.  Clean air is essential to all of us. There is no planet B.

Peggy Ann Berry, PhD, MSN, RN, COHN-S, PLNC

Dayton, Ohio

Make the change toward a healthier environment.

The reality is that breathing is becoming more difficult for many older adults and children with asthma because of climate change. Those with lung disease feel the greatest impacts from air pollution and climate change. Health professionals are critical leaders in the fight to for a cleaner environment so we can protect our health today and into the future.

Sonal R. Patel, M.D.

Pediatric Asthma, Los Angeles

I owe it to my children to fight for climate health.

With asthma, you wheeze, your chest tightens, you cough and are short of breath. It is a terrifying experience for my patients and their families. I want to be able to tell my children and grandchildren I did everything I could to fight for clean air and a healthy climate. What is more important?

Sunil K. Saini, M.D.

Asthma and Allergy Specialist, Upland
Associate Clinical Professor, UC Irvine

Clean air is the right of every individual.

As a specialist in treating childhood asthma, I see first-hand the effects that pollution has on the health of our most vulnerable population - children. We should view clean air as a right of every individual. We must work together to improve air quality to ensure a healthy future for not only ourselves, but also for future generations.

David Tom Cooke, M.D. and Lung Surgery Team

UC Davis, Sacramento

Fighting for a healthy climate.

Too many of our patients surviving lung diseases are being sickened by air pollution. Dirty air increases the risk of lung cancer, not to mention heart disease, and asthma, and diminishes quality of life. We stand in support of our state's clean air laws. Californians all across our great state are taking action for the health of our families, our friends and our children. Will you stand with us to save our clean air laws?

Marc Futernick, M.D.

Emergency Physician
Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center, Los Angeles
Regional Medical Director, VEP Healthcare

Climate action is the best medicine.

As an emergency physician, I see the profound effect climate change will have on our lives. Unless we take bold action now, more frequent heat waves, wildfires, flooding, and other natural disasters will wreak havoc on our communities. If we care about people, we need to address climate change now.

Mary Anne Tablizo, M.D.

Pediatric Pulmonologist
Valley Children's Hospital, Fresno

Strong clean air leadership will help my patients breathe easier.

As a pediatric pulmonary specialist, I support policies that will help improve air quality. Communities designed around healthy transportation options like walking, biking and public transit can promote cleaner air, protect our environment, as well as help reduce obesity and a wide range of chronic illnesses. By calling on our leaders to support clean air policies, I can help my patients today and into the future.

Afif El-Hasan, M.D.

Pediatrician, San Juan Capistrano;
Governing Board Member, American Lung Association in California

Cutting emissions today means healthier children tomorrow.

Like air pollution, climate change impacts vulnerable populations the most, including our children. Children living in polluted areas experience higher rates of asthma and slowed lung development. This is a terrible burden we are putting on our children and future generations. We must dedicate all available resources to get off fossil fuels to protect children today and into the future.

Catherine Sonquist Forest, M.D., MPH, FAAFP

Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
UCSF Natividad Family Medicine Residency
Stanford School of Medicine

Fighting climate change is crucial primary care medicine.

Climate health is crucial for public health. Science continues to demonstrate that we must join together with the rest of the world to slow climate change. This will require a concerted effort to reduce reliance of fossil fuels, limit industrial and agricultural pollutants, and strive for equal access to clean water. I feel compelled to speak out as a provider of primary care for all people impacted – which is all of us. Invest in health, not in fossil fuels.

Bruce Bekkar, M.D.

Climate Activist, Obstetrics and Gynecology
San Diego

We must act decisively, and now.

The food patients eat, the water they drink, and the air they breathe are all crucial for their well-being. The climate crisis threatens each of these, and therefore health professionals must be at the front of this fight. Science tells us that we can't wait and incremental improvements aren't enough. We must act decisively, and now.

Linda Rudolph, M.D., MPH

Center for Climate Change and Health, Public Health Institute

Climate change is a global health emergency.

We are already seeing the harmful health impacts of climate change. Children, the elderly, low-income communities, and communities of color are disproportionately impacted - climate change exacerbates health inequities. We know what we need to do to chart a new course to prevent catastrophic climate change: stop burning coal, oil, and gas, as quickly as possible. But time is short. We urgently need to take action to transform our transportation and land use, energy, community infrastructure, and food systems to support a just transition that offers hope to our children for healthy people, healthy places, and a healthy planet. Health professionals must speak out for a healthy future.

David Pepper, M.D.

Staff Physician, Contra Costa Health Services
Co-Founder, Medical Advocates for Healthy Air

The planet has a fever.

I address climate change as a physician. The patient - our planet - has a fever. In addition to increased temperatures, the acid level in the oceans has increased 0.15 units in the last 100 years. If a human patient had these findings, we'd have them in the ICU, and perhaps on life support. The cause is clear: carbon pollution. We need less cars, and more walkable, bike-able infrastructure and smarter, cleaner energy alternatives. Many physicians and scientists are working on solutions. What are you doing?

Robert M. Gould, M.D.

President, SF-Bay Area Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Associate Adj. Professor
UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment

We must act urgently to halt global warming.

We need to act urgently to halt the worsening course of global warming. We need to speak clearly about the health impacts of continued fossil fuel use, and encourage all health professionals to support sustainable energy choices that guarantee a livable world for future generations.

Jose Joseph-Vempilly, M.D.

Chief, Pulmonary & Critical Care, Veterans Administration

We are what we breathe.

The Central Valley has been consistently ranked one of the regions with the worst air quality in the nation for over a decade. It's high time we clean up our act and the air we breathe. We owe this to our children and patients with heart disease and lung diseases such as asthma, COPD and lung cancer.

Daya Upadhyay, M.D.

Medical Director, Lung Nodule Program; Associate Prof of Medicine, UCSF Fresno, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine

We must raise our voices to fight climate change

Climate change imposes a serious threat to human health and our environment. We must act now and raise our voices to fight climate change and support strong clean air policies. This will improve public health immediately and create a livable environment for future generations.

John R. Balmes, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, UCSF;
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences,
UC Berkeley

Climate change is the greatest environmental threat to public health.

As a physician and researcher, I know that climate change is an urgent health issue that affects my patients now and future generations. In fact climate change is the most significant environmental threat to public health of our century. As physicians, we must raise our voices against the public health threat of climate change just like we did with cigarettes a generation ago.

Angela Wang, M.D.

Pulmonologist, Scripps Clinic

Climate change is real, it is now. 

Climate change is real. It is now. As a mother and pulmonologist, I see the myriad ways through which climate change corrodes the health of not just my patients, but my family, friends, neighbors and community. It's not just the rising rates of asthma and allergies, it's the stunted lung development of our children, the effect on our food supply, the poisoning of the air and water needed to sustain life. As ordinary citizens, we can all do our part to push back, either by speaking up or through individual actions that conserve energy or supporting organizations like the American Lung Association. No action is too small. The time to get involved is now.

Praveen Buddiga, M.D.

Family Allergy Asthma Clinic, Fresno

Cleaner fuels will help my patients breathe easier.

We have no control over the air we breathe, but we do have a say in what pollutes it. My patients suffer the side effects of pollution every day, whether they live in cities or rural areas. They have the most to lose if we don't continue pushing for cleaner air. That is why I support California taking the lead in reducing its carbon pollution from transportation fuels.

Sharon Chinthrajah, M.D.

Pulmonary/Critical Care and Allergy/Immunology, Stanford

All communities deserve a healthy climate.

Air pollution has detrimental effects on fetal development, sends people to the hospital for respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, and worsens asthma and COPD. Climate leadership is about improving the lives of our most vulnerable communities and bringing hope for a better future.

Laren Tan, M.D.

President-elect, California Thoracic Society
Director, Comprehensive Program for Obstructive Airway Diseases
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Loma Linda University Health, California

You can't run from climate change.

We breathe better with clean air. Exercise and healthy living are both affected when the air we are breathing is filled with air pollution. As a pulmonologist, I've witnessed firsthand the effects of climate change and poor air quality on my patients with chronic respiratory diseases. Taking a stand to reduce climate pollution is what our children and patients deserve. The California Thoracic Society is proud to work closely with the American Lung Association in educating and promoting ways to reduce climate pollution and enable our communities to run towards a life of better breathing.

Alex Sherriffs, M.D.

Family Medicine, Fowler

California's leadership is keeping my patients healthy.

Strategies that lower greenhouse gas emissions also lower ozone precursors and the most deadly small particle pollutants. I am proud Californians have made our state a global leader in confronting climate change. We can all breathe easier today, and future generations will respect and thank us for our commitment to making difficult choices now.

Karen Jakpor, M.D.

Volunteer Physician, American Lung Association in California, Riverside

When you can't breathe, nothing else matters.

Forget the "controversy"-- fighting for clean air results in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and benefits the health of all. No matter what your political persuasion, you need to breathe. As an asthmatic I know first-hand that when you can't breathe, nothing else matters. Air pollution not only affects the lungs-- it can cause heart attacks, stroke, and cancer. For the sake of our children, let's clean the air.

Tze-Ming (Benson) Chen, M.D.

Critical Care & Pulmonary Medicine, San Francisco

Clean air equals healthy air.

Climate health is of critical importance to our own personal well-being and that of our children and future generations. We can all agree that air pollution threatens our ability to breathe comfortably and provide a safe and healthy climate for our children and grandchildren. Join me in our efforts to protect our air and environment now and for the future.

Gary Pace, M.D.

County Public Health Officer, Lake County, CA

The wildfires are a wake-up call.

The devastating wildfires in our communities served as a wake-up call. The unfolding climate crisis is impacting human health now and will become even more of a factor in the future. The medical community has a huge role to play in advocating for reducing emissions and highlighting the health benefits of doing so.

Hassan Bencheqroun M.D., FCCP

Interventional Pulmonary and Critical Care
Assistant Clinical Professor – UC Riverside School of Medicine
Chair, Council of Networks CHEST (American College Chest Physicians)

Patients with lung disorders are most impacted by air pollution.

We know that even when people improve their health by kicking smoking and exercising more, air pollution can slow that progress, and lead to more pulmonary and cardiovascular consequences. Our patients trust our recommendations. We as healthcare professionals must be vocal in supporting clean air legislation that will protect their health. We will all benefit today and into the future.

Michael Ong, M.D., PhD

Professor of Medicine in Residence
David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA

Healthy solutions will help California achieve smog and soot goals.

Air pollution harms lung health, affects lung development and growth in children, causes asthma attacks and kills thousands of Californians each year. We need to get out of our cars and make walking and cycling the easy choice. I support the rapid transition away from dirty gasoline and diesel fuels in favor of healthier options like electricity and hydrogen. These are key health solutions that will help everyone breathe easier.

Penny Borenstein, M.D., MPH

Health Officer
San Luis Obispo County Health Agency

We take health and climate change personally.

As a health officer with the San Luis Obispo Public Health Department, I view climate change as an urgent health issue. I am working hard with my staff to educate the public about ways we can work together to improve health and fight climate change. We're doing our part to raise awareness of climate impacts in our community. We invite others to join us!

Cindy Russell, M.D.

Chair, Environmental Health Committee
Santa Clara County Medical Association

To do so we need to extract ourselves from the use of oil, gas and coal, implementingcradle to cradle clean energy systems in concert with conservation measures. Oil wells and pipelines will not create a clean energy future. Walkable cities, expanded bike routes, solar power and local organic sustainable food systems address not only climate change and air pollution but also the major health threats we see as physicians such as asthma, cancer, heart disease and obesity. Industry, governments and individuals alike need to think about transforming their habits of consumption and travel. Together we can preserve a healthy, beautiful, livable planet.

Anthony DeLucia, M.D.

Professor of Surgery
Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, Tennessee

Every child born today will be affected by climate change.

As a 30-year volunteer of the American Lung Association, including former chairman of the nationwide organization, I understand the threats of air pollution on lung health and the devastating impacts of lung disease on our families and communities. That’s why fighting climate change is so important to me. The link between air pollution, climate change and lung health could not be more clear. The 2019 Lancet Report tells us: Every child born today will be affected by climate change. We must act now to protect our children and future generations. Will you join me?

Robert Byron, M.D., MPH, FACP

Vice Chair
Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate
 Hardin, Montana

Air pollution endangers our patients’ health.

Air pollution endangers our patients' health and contributes to approximately 107,000 premature deaths every year in the United States alone. Climate change, for which air pollution is the primary driver, is already increasing those negative health impacts, affecting everyone from fetuses in their mothers' wombs to the eldest and all those in between. We can find solutions and lessen those impacts but we must take action now.

Josephine Mei, M.D.

Kentuckiana Pulmonary Associates
 Louisville, Kentucky

Clean air cannot be taken for granted.

The quality of the air we breathe is critical to everyone's health, but in particular, to persons with respiratory and cardiac limitations and to children, who have developing lungs. Air pollution and climate change are impacted by our decisions and actions on an individual basis, as well as on an organizational basis, and by policy decisions made by our government on a local, state, or federal level and the international community. I choose to advocate for clean air for those who cannot, for my patients, and for my community.

Page last updated: September 10, 2024

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